Register to Vote

Register to Vote

It is the right of every human being to vote for the people who they believe best represents them and their interests. Thus, it is encourage that every Binalonians exercise their right to vote and be represented. Register to vote and pen-down the leaders that you believe are worthy of the positions!

Tree Planting Programs

Tree Planting Programs

Mother Earth has been giving so much to its children, us, the people. It is high time that we give back to her by initiating tree planting programs that can benefit our beloved land. In Binalonan, the “giving back to nature by planting trees” are one of the many programs to help Mother Earth.

Tree Planting Programs

Blood Donation Drive

Helping others who are in need always give the people a great sense of satisfaction. One way of helping your neighbor is through the Blood Donation Drives, wherein you voluntarily donate a bag or two of your blood. Blood Donation Drives is one of the many ways, but it surely is a big help!

Tree Planting Programs

Iwas Dengue Initiatives

Through the Iwas Dengue program, a lot of Binalonians are now safe from the threats of the unwanted dengue virus. The health of the people is one of the priorities of the town, and it is through programs such as Iwas Dengue that the Binalonians are made sure to be healthy!

Tree Planting Programs

Oplan Zero Waste Initiative

Let us give back to Mother Nature! We can do this by applying the Oplan Zero Waste wherein we are asked and tasked to use paper bags instead of plastic ones in our daily lives. Every Binalonians are encouraged to follow the initiatives for the future of our town and our planet!